TcaplusDB Client 常见问题

错误 一般原因
cannot find key field 查询或者更新语句中缺少主键字段或者无法包含无法识别主键字段
cannot find value field 查询或者更新语句中包含无法识别Value字段名
tcapsvr_fail_record_exist 记录已存在(主键冲突了)
table("table_name")registration failed 找不到指定名称的表格,表格可能未创建
proxy_err_query_for_convert_tcaplus_req_to_index_server_req_failed 没有为表格创建全局索引(分布式索引)
Record does not exist or has expired 记录不存在或者已过期
invalid syntax 语法错误,如果使用过滤条件,参考表达式语法检查是否合法
Failed to set time to live. The error code is [error code] and the error message is [Error message] 设置记录的过期时间失败
Failed to get time to live. The error code is [error code] and the error message is [Error message] 获取记录的过期时间失败
Failed to set time to live. The error code is [error code] and the error message is [Error message] 设置记录的过期时间失败

results matching ""

    No results matching ""