PB Table

PB tables are data tables defined and accessed according to the PB (Protobuf) protocol.

In addition to PB tables, TcaplusDB also provides TDR tables.

There is no essential difference between PB tables and TDR tables. Users can decide whether to use PB tables or TDR tables according to their familiarity with PB tables or TDR tables. It should be noted that the functions supported by PB and TDR tables in the current TcaplusDB are somewhat different(For details, see the section "What is TcaplusDB - 2.3. Table" introduction). When selecting which table to use, users also need to consider whether the function can meet app requirements.

1. About Protobuf

Protobuf is a descriptive language developed by Google that serializes structured data while emphasizing simplicity and performance.

Official documents: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers

2. Examples of the PB Table Definition File

Here is an example of a protobuf table, game_players.proto, and you can upload a file to the console and create a table.

syntax = "proto3";         // Specify the protobuf language version, proto3.

// Import the TcaplusDB public definition service 
import "tcaplusservice.optionv1.proto";

message game_players {  // Define a TcaplusDB table, including the message type

// Create a primary key field based on the option tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key
// A single table of TcaplusDB can specify up to 8 primary key fields (3.37.0 and later)
    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key) = "player_id, player_name, player_email";
    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_sharding_key) = "player_id";

    // Create a primary key index based on the option tcaplusservice.tcaplus_index
    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_index) = "index_1(player_id, player_name)";
    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_index) = "index_2(player_id, player_email)";

    // Numeric types supported by TcaplusDB:
    // int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, fixed64, sfixed64, double, fixed32, sfixed32, float, string, bytes
    // Nested type: message

    // Primary key field
    int64 player_id = 1; 
    string player_name = 2;
    string player_email = 3;

    // Common (non-primary) key field
    int32 game_server_id = 4;
    repeated string login_timestamp = 5;
    repeated string logout_timestamp = 6;
    bool is_online = 7;

    payment pay = 8;

message payment {

int64 pay_id = 1;
uint64 amount = 2;
int64 method = 3;


3. Descriptions of the PB Table Definition File

The TcaplusDB table definition can be extended with options based on protobuf syntax to achieve richer semantic functions. The contents that can be defined are shown in the following table.

The detailed definition format is: `option(tcaplusservice.option) = "value";`

Option Name Function Description Example Required
tcaplus_primary_key Set the TcaplusDB table primary key field option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key) = "uin,name,region"; Yes
tcaplus_index Set the TcaplusDB table index key field option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_index) = "index_1(uin,region)"; No
tcaplus_sharding_key Users can customize the table shard key. By default, there is no need to set. It is only required when a valid index (tcaplus_index) is defined. option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_sharding_key) = "uin"; No
tcaplus_field_cipher_suite If the field encryption function is used, please refer to the examples for settings. If users specify their own encryption algorithm, please refer to the API examples. option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_field_cipher_suite) = "DefaultAesCipherSuite"; No
tcaplus_cipher_md5 If the field encryption function is used, It needs to set MD5 on the user side to save the encryption password string. option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_cipher_md5)= "62fee3b53619b7f303c939964c6f2c4b"; No

3.1.1 tcaplus_primary_key (primary key)

The tcaplus_primary_key attribute indicates the primary key of the database table corresponding to this element. If the primary key contains multiple members, the member names are separated by commas (','). A single table can specify up to eight primary key fields.


  1. Members as primary keys cannot be compound data types but can only be basic built-in data types.

  2. Members' values as primary keys cannot be NULL.

  3. TcaplusDB will serialize all primary key fields into a single buffer, with a maximum length limit of 1022 bytes.

option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key) = "player_id, player_name, player_email";

According to the above description, the game_players table uses three members player_id, player_name, and player_email as primary keys.

3.1.2. tcaplus_sharding_key (splittable attribute/splittable factor)

How to select splittable factors

The tcaplus_ sharding_key attribute allows users to customize the table shard keys.


This member cannot be a compound data type, but only a basic built-in data type.

option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_sharding_key) = "player_id";

3.1.3. tcaplus_index (local index)

The tcaplus_index attribute is used to set the index key field of the TcaplusDB table.

option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_index) = "player_email";

3.2. File Definition Information

The file definition information area mainly defines the public information of the current table description file, mainly involving the following three types of content:

Option Name Function Description Value Example Required
syntax Indicate a grammar specification version written by the current file. Support proto2 and proto3 Yes
package Indicate a custom package name for the current file to avoid name collisions between the message type. Package name information Yes
import Introduce some common information about the TcaplusDB table that must be referenced in your table definition. tcaplusservice.optionv1.proto Yes

3.3. Table Definition Information

The table definition information defines the format of the table through message, where it defines the extension information of the table and can also define the field information of the table.

3.4. Field Definition Information

The format of the TcaplusDB definition field is: `Field modifiers Field types Field name = ID number [Special definitions];`

3.4.1. Field modifiers

The proto2 supports three types of modifiers. The proto3 no longer supports the required modifier and defaults to the optional type.

  • required: indicates that the field is required, and the primary key field in proto2 must be modified by required.

  • optional: indicates that the field is optional and supports setting the default value of the field.

  • repeated: indicates that the field can contain 0 to N elements. Its attributes are the same as optional, but can contain multiple values at a time. It can be seen as passing the value of an array. And a special definition for [packed = true] must be specified.

3.4.2. Field types

TcaplusDB supports regular fields and nested fields. For detailed field descriptions, see the following table.

Mapping of proto3 data types to programming language types

.proto type C++ type Java type Python type Go type Ruby type C# type PHP type Dart type Description
double double double float float64 Float double float double
float float float float float32 Float float float double
int32 int32 int int int32 Fixnum or Bignum (as required) int integer int Use variable-length encoding. The negative coding is inefficient - if your field may have negative values, use sint32 instead.
int64 int64 long int/long int64 Bignum long integer/string Int64 Use variable-length encoding. The negative coding is inefficient - if your field may have negative values, use sint64 instead.
uint32 uint32 int int/long uint32 Fixnum or Bignum (as required) uint integer int Use variable-length encoding.
uint64 uint64 long int/long uint64 Bignum ulong integer/string Int64 Use variable-length encoding.
sint32 int32 int int int32 Fixnum or Bignum (as required) int integer int Use variable-length encoding.
sint64 int64 long int/long int64 Bignum long integer/string Int64 Use variable-length encoding. Signed int values. They encode negative numbers more efficiently than regular int32.
fixed32 uint32 int int/long uint32 Fixnum or Bignum (as required) uint integer int Four-byte values. If the value is usually greater than 2^28^, it is more effective than uint32.
fixed64 uint64 long int/long uint64 Bignum ulong integer/string Int64 Eight-byte values. If the value is usually greater than 2^56^, it is more effective than uint64.
sfixed32 int32 int int int32 Fixnum or Bignum (as required) int integer int Four-byte values.
sfixed64 int64 long int/long int64 Bignum long integer/string Int64 Eight-byte values.
bool bool boolean bool bool TrueClass/FalseClass bool boolean bool
string string String str/unicode string String (UTF-8) string string String The string must always contain UTF-8 encoding or 7-bit ASCII text .
bytes string ByteString str []byte String (ASCII-8BIT) ByteString string Values can contain no more than 232 arbitrary byte sequences.

Reference link: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3

Mapping of proto2 data types to programming language types

.proto type C++ type Java type Python type Go type Description
double double double float *float64
float float float float *float32
int32 int32 int int *int32 Use variable-length encoding. The negative coding is inefficient - if your field may have negative values, use sint32 instead.
int64 int64 long int/long *int64 Use variable-length encoding. The negative coding is inefficient - if your field may have negative values, use sint64 instead.
uint32 uint32 int int/long *uint32 Use variable-length encoding.
uint64 uint64 long int/long *uint64 Use variable-length encoding.
sint32 int32 int int *int32 Use variable-length encoding. Signed int values. They encode negative numbers more efficiently than regular int32.
sint64 int64 long int/long *int64 Use variable-length encoding. Signed int values. They encode negative numbers more efficiently than regular int64.
fixed32 uint32 int int/long *uint32 Four-byte values. If the value is usually greater than 228, it is more effective than uint32.
fixed64 uint64 long int/long *uint64 Eight-byte values. If the value is usually greater than 256, it is more effective than uint64.
sfixed32 int32 int int *int32 Four-byte values.
sfixed64 int64 long int/long *int64 Eight-byte values.
bool bool boolean bool *bool
string string String unicode (Python 2) or str (Python 3) *string The string must always contain UTF-8 encoding or 7-bit ASCII text.
bytes string ByteString bytes []byte Values can contain arbitrary byte sequences.

Reference link: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto

3.4.3. Field name

Name the field with support for uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. It is recommended that fields be named in Camel-Case and not begin with a number.

3.4.4. ID numbers

ID ranges: [1,2\^ 29 - 1]. ID numbers [19000 - 19999] cannot be used because they are reserved in Protobuf protocol implementation. If used, errors will occur.

Each field will occupy memory when encoding, and the memory occupied depends on the ID number:

  • The field of the ID range [1,15] takes 1 byte during encoding.

  • The field of the ID range [16,2047] takes 2 byte during encoding.

3.4.5. Special definitions

  • The repeated modified field needs to specify the packaged = true option. The method is as follows:

    repeated int64 lockid = 6 [packed = true];
  • The optional modified field default = 1 can be used to specify the default value. The method is as follows:

    optional int32 logintime = 5 [default = 1];
  • Fields of string and bytes can be specified as encrypted fields. The method is as follows:

    required string name = 2[(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_crypto) = true];

3.4.6. Nested type information

TcaplusDB supports nested types, which can either contain another nested type as its field or define a new nested type within the nested type.

The definition of a nested type, like the definition of a table, is declared by message. However, the structure cannot contain extended information definitions, such as "primary key", "index", etc.

TcaplusDB supports up to 32 levels of continuous nesting. It is not recommended to use nesting heavily because too many layers of nesting can lead to poor data access performance.

message game_players {  
    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key) = "player_id, player_name, player_email";
    int64 player_id = 1; 
    string player_name = 2;
    string player_email = 3;
    int32 game_server_id = 4;
    repeated string login_timestamp = 5;
    repeated string logout_timestamp = 6;
    bool is_online = 7;
    payment pay = 8;

message payment {
int64 pay_id = 1;
uint64 amount = 2;
int64 method = 3;

4. PB Table Modification Limitations

  1. The primary key field cannot be deleted.

  2. The primary key field name and field type cannot be modified.

  3. The primary key field cannot be added.

  4. For non primary key fields, the required field cannot be deleted, but the optional field can be deleted.

  5. The field name and field type with the same ID cannot be modified.

  6. The new regular field name must comply with the naming rules. Do not modify the type or name of an existing field.

  7. Local indexes cannot be added, deleted, or modified. They must be defined at the time of creating a table.

4.1. Example 1: Adding a field

syntax = "proto3";         

import "tcaplusservice.optionv1.proto";

message game_players {  

    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key) = "player_id, player_name, player_email";
    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_index) = "index_1(player_id, player_name)";
    option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_index) = "index_2(player_id, player_email)";

    int64 player_id = 1; 
    string player_name = 2;
    string player_email = 3;

    int32 game_server_id = 4;
    repeated string login_timestamp = 5;
    repeated string logout_timestamp = 6;
    bool is_online = 7;

    payment pay = 8;

    string player_email_copy = 9; // Add a value field

message payment {

int64 pay_id = 1;
uint64 amount = 2;
int64 method = 3;


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