TcaplusDB WebService API Interface Description - Customer Mark Management

In some special scenarios, customers need to mark transactions. Customers determine the marks' content. The following interfaces are used to add, delete, query, and update customers' marks.
An example scenario is as follows: an app can execute a failover transaction only when it detects the zones affected by the failover transaction and allows these zones to perform certain operations. For example, the script of zone 1 detects a failover transaction, and can query the impact of the transaction on those zones (assuming zone 1 and zone 2), and make marks, such as\, and the failover transaction is not executed. Periodic queries wait for the zone 2 script to mark. When the script of zone 2 finds failover, set it to tcaplus through the interface, and set it to \. At this time, all zones affected by the failover transaction are marked and can be executed.

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