TcaplusDB WebService API Get Started
The TcaplusDB Web service API is intended to provide users with a web interface through which they can directly send commands to complete app/zone/table/data and other related operations in TcaplusDB, so as to achieve the goal of automatic or batch bill of lading.
Quick Debugging Method (Send Requests with CURL Command)
Get the correct access token
Have app (app_id), game zone (zone_id), table name (table_name)
url | http://OMSADDRESS/app/newoms.php/webservice/business/table/truncating?cmd=10004&ip-type=webservicerest&access-token=8d018c3e1ab5c38ce211817232083ec5f298f01f (') |
post data | {"app_id":"243","zone_id":"1","table_name":"ScoreTable","auto_approve":1,"auto_exec_trans":1} |
request statement | curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d |
The command is as follows:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"app_id":"243","zone_id":"1","table_name":"ScoreTable","auto_approve":1,"auto_exec_trans":1}' 'http://OMSADDRESS/app/newoms.php/webservice/business/table/truncating?cmd=10004&ip-type=webservicerest&access-toke n=8d018c3e1ab5c38ce211817232083ec5f298f01f' (')