TcaplusDB PB Table RESTFul API Get Started

Currently, TcaplusDB provides RESTFul API only for PB Tables.

The RESTFul API mainly provides a PB table read/write interface based on the HTTP protocol. The RESTFul API has the following advantages: easy to use, easy to test, and independent of SDK. The RESTFul API is familiar to many users, and it is not necessary to understand much bottom protocol mechanism (such as PB protocol). Users can repackage the RESTFul API based on the language they are familiar with to meet their own needs.

The preparations for using the RESTful API mainly include:

  1. Prepare the environment;
  2. Create an App;
  3. Create a game zone;
  4. Create a table;
  5. Collect environmental information.

If the above preparations have been completed, they can be skipped.

1. Prepare the Environment

Refer to Create a Cluster to deploy the TcaplusDB cluster, or apply for the TcaplusDB service.

2. Create an App

Refer to Create an App to create an App.

3. Create A Game Zone

Refer to Create a Game Zone to create a game zone (Zone).

4. Create A Table

Refer to Add a Table document to add a PB data table.

PB tables are divided into Generic tables and List tables.

4.1. Generic Table Definition Descriptions


4.2. List Table Definition Descriptions


5. Collect Environmental Information

When using the RESTful API, it requires some environment related parameters. See the following table for specific parameters and collection methods.

Parameter Value Getting method
Directory server address list Get directory service address list
App ID Get App ID
App access password Get app access password
Game zone ID Get game zone ID
Table name test

6. Use RESTFul API

Please refer to the RESTFul API Interfaces Descriptions for details

7. FAQ

In the process of using the RESTFul API, if you have questions or errors, please refer to "FAQ" and "Meaning and Handling of Error Codes".

  1. FAQ document;

  2. Meaning and Handling of Error Codes document;

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