TcaplusDB TDR Table Java SDK FAQ

Question 1: How to view the Java SDK version number?

There are two ways to view it:

  1. View it from the Java SDK release package file. For example, if the file name of the release package is: TcaplusJavaApi3.40.0.193388.x86_64_release_20220218.tar.gz, then the Java version number is;

  2. View it in the Java SDK POM file.

Question 2: How to configure the Java SDK log printing?

The log printing component that the Java SDK depends on is log4j2. Just prepare the log printing configuration file by using the log4j2 method.

Taking outputting Java SDK logs to the console as an example, the following is an example of log printing configuration:

Log4j2. properties (When using, add the file to the classpath)

appender.console.layout.pattern=[%-5p] %d(%r) --> [%t] %l: %m %n

Question 3: How do I upgrade the Java SDK? What are the notations?

The higher version of the Java SDK can be compatible with the lower version. Before upgrading a higher version of the Java SDK, ensure that the server version of TcaplusDB has been upgraded to the same version or a higher version. That is, ensure that the TcaplusDB server version >= Java SDK version.

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