TcaplusDB Client - Desc Command

For TcaplusDB Client Instructions, see Document.

1. Function Descriptions

View the field description of a table.

If it is a nested type field, its field type can only be viewed as a nested type, and the description of the nested structure cannot be viewed.

2. Initial Version


3. Command Syntax

desc [table]/[table.field] [using tdr];

Parameter description:

Parameter PB Table TDR Table
table Table name Table name
table.field Do not support It can be used to display the structure of nested fields and must be used with using tdr
using tdr Do not support Read the table structure from the TDR file.
If you need to use this parameter, you should specify the TDR file corresponding to the target table through the startup parameter when starting the TcaplusDB Client

4. Command Example

See Table Definition Example for table definition.

tcaplus> desc table_list;

Table Structure From: Tcaplus System
TableName: table_list
TableType: LIST, IdlType: TDRXML
SvrTdrCurrentVersion: 5
|Field                |Type                |Key     |Index|Size  |Version|DefaultValue|Count|Select               |Desc          |
|uin                  |unsigned long long  |PRI,SPLT|-    |8     |1      |-           |1    |-                    |QQ            |
|name                 |string              |PRI     |-    |640   |1      |-           |1    |-                    |Name          |
|key1                 |unsigned char       |PRI     |-    |1     |1      |-           |1    |-                    |key4          |
|level                |int                 |-       |-    |4     |1      |1           |1    |-                    |-             |
|count                |unsigned char       |-       |-    |1     |1      |0           |1    |-                    |-             |
|array_count          |unsigned int        |-       |-    |4     |1      |1           |1    |-                    |-             |
|items                |unsigned long long[]|-       |-    |8     |1      |-           |10   |-                    |-             |
|c_int8               |char                |-       |-    |1     |1      |-1          |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_uint8              |unsigned char       |-       |-    |1     |1      |2           |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_int16              |short               |-       |-    |2     |1      |-3          |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_uint16             |unsigned short      |-       |-    |2     |1      |4           |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_int32              |int                 |-       |-    |4     |1      |-5          |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_uint32             |unsigned int        |-       |-    |4     |1      |6           |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_int64              |long long           |-       |-    |8     |1      |-7          |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_uint64             |unsigned long long  |-       |-    |8     |1      |-           |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_float              |float               |-       |-    |4     |2      |1.234568    |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_double             |double              |-       |-    |8     |3      |9.876543    |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_string             |string              |-       |-    |200   |3      |-           |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_string_128K        |string              |-       |-    |131072|1      |123456789   |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_string_256K        |string              |-       |-    |262144|1      |123456789   |1    |-                    |-             |
|c_binary             |char[]              |-       |-    |1     |1      |-           |10   |-                    |-             |
|binary               |char                |-       |-    |1     |5      |-           |1    |-                    |-             |
|selector             |short               |-       |-    |2     |1      |-           |1    |-                    |-             |
|single_struct        |struct_type         |-       |-    |119   |1      |-           |1    |-                    |-             |
|simple_struct        |simple_struct       |-       |-    |30    |4      |-           |1    |-                    |-             |
|single_union_selector|char                |-       |-    |1     |1      |0           |1    |-                    |-             |
|single_union         |union_type          |-       |-    |64    |1      |-           |1    |single_union_selector|-             |
|array                |TableInfo[]         |-       |-    |125   |1      |-           |3    |-                    |Three-layer nested struct|
|c_union              |union_type          |-       |-    |64    |1      |-           |1    |selector             |-             |
|union_array          |union_type[]        |-       |-    |64    |1      |-           |3    |selector             |-             |
|c_struct             |struct_type         |-       |-    |119   |1      |-           |1    |-                    |-             |
|struct_array         |struct_type[]       |-       |-    |119   |1      |-           |3    |-                    |-             |

32 rows in set (36252 us)

tcaplus> desc table_list.single_struct using tdr;

Table Structure From: Local tdr file(/mnt/e/tdr/2.3.table_list.tdr)
|   |---x(int)
|   |---y(int)
|   |---score(double)
|   |---rank(uchar)
|   |---title(string)
|   |---level2_struct(struct)
|   |   |---uin(int)
|   |   |---name(string)

5. Common Errors

Refer to Common Errors.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""